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Understanding Bail

Court Etiquette

  • Weapons of any sort are prohibited
    Drugs are prohibited
    Electronic devices are not to be used in the courtrooms (unless approved by the court)
  • Do not chew gum while testifying
  • Stand up straight and speak clearly
  • Pay attention to any instruction given by the employees of the court and the Judge
  • It is permissible to respond with,"I don't recall" if you do not remember some details
  • Answer only the question that you are asked. Do not volunteer information
  • If you do not want to answer a question, do not ask the judge whether you must answer it. If it is an improper question, your attorney will rise and state an objection.
  • Do not shake your head to indicate a "yes" or "no" answer. Use words to answer every question.
  • When in court, federal magistrates are to be referred to as "Your Honor".
  • The court is only interested in the facts. Please do not give your opinions or your conclusions unless you are asked.
  • Do not allow yourself to become angry. This will not help your case.
  • Try to dress professionally.
  • Remove sunglasses in court.
  • Have any evidence or relevant paperwork handy.
  • Try to leave disruptive children at home.
  • Be early. People who are late may be issued a bench warrant or have their bail forfeited.
  • Do not leave the courtroom without knowing when and where you are ordered to return.

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